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tv   NBC10 News Today at 430am  NBC  September 30, 2015 4:30am-5:01am EDT

4:30 am
other side effects may occur. if you have other symptoms or problems following vaccination, call your doctor immediately. vaccination may not protect everyone. so, if you hopped around the clock, ask your doctor or pharmacist about fluzone high-dose. fluzone high-dose vaccine.
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check out what's been happening overnight. heavy rain fell across the area. and there's more on the way today and this week. it's 4:31. good morning. i'm tracy davidson. >> and i'm chris cato. we were talking about lawns and flowers needing rain. >> they got it more. >> bill henley is standing by. this rain is moving away for a while but we could see more. >> you've got it. today we could see scattered showers. that's what we're seeing on the radar right now. you can see philadelphia starting to dry off. that heavier rain has pushed off to the north. still falling in the poconos. still drying out in much of our area. warm, muggy. well, we've still got that. 76 in philadelphia. not much cooler for allentown or dover at 75 degrees. unusually warm and muggy for this time of year. this is the view from the air at
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nbc 10 studios. still misty outside. we'll see occasional light showers. we will see the temperatures climb from a warm start from 75 degrees at 6:00 and 9:00 will be up to 77 degrees and top out near 80 degrees this afternoon. your neighborhood by neighborhood forecast when i come back in ten minutes. right now let's check in with katy zachry. katy. >> things are running pretty smoothly. traffic is going at a pretty slow clip which you need to do to be safe. also on 202 northbound i'm watching some flooding in the area of route 30 and route 401, so be aware of that. and also still in effect between fairmount avenue as well as the inner drive of the benjamin
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franklin parkway. chris? >> we don't know how tropical storm joaquin will affect the area. bellemare is working on pumping out the water. if the leak is already full, the water could flood homes. the town is also shoring up sand dunes to keep tidal damage to a minimum. long island also preparing for any effects. they still remember the damage caused by superstorm sandy left three years ago. home and business owners are starting to stock up on sum price just in case and local officials are moving equipment into place. they may activate their emergency operation center depending on the track. meteorologist bill henley will track that in a moment but you can stay on top of the wet weather on your smartphone or tablet. all you have to do is download
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your free alert tap and much more. a man accused of shooting and wounding a ridley park police officer is headed to court. he's charged with attempted murder. he shot the officer in the hand and chest during a standoff. they've been holding him in the county prison on a half million dollar bail. investigators are trying to identify the body of a woman off the coast. it was pulled near 57th street yesterday. they released these perfects. one shows a tattoo of a heart on her right shoulder and the second tattoo with the name steven. if you have information, you're urged to call police. three families seeking justice are still pushing for an arrest. it's been two months since a
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street racing crash killed three young people. they died in that crash. a fourth victim is still in the hospital. family members are still calling for justice. >> every time i see racing, it just -- it's messed up. people need to be more careful. >> surveillance video from moments shows a driver racing another car at triple the speed limit on the industrial road. the second car never even stopped. the driver of the crash walked away from the scene. essentially a hit and run in the minds of the families of the victims. it's been since '92 without a state budget. >> the school districts are no closer to gets the money they need to operate. why a plan was vetoed that would have given them a sudden cash infusion. and the jersey shore lucy the elephant is in trouble.
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she needs heavy-duty repairs. we'll tell you how you can help. 74 degrees. the rain is moving away from us right now. the time is 4:36. there are more showers in the forecast. your neighborhood by neighborhood forecast is just ahead.
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your immune system doesn't work the way it did when rock was young. so we made fluzone high-dose vaccine... for people 65+. with a high high higher dose of antigen... it's significantly more effective than fluzone vaccine in preventing flu. fluzone high-dose vaccine is approved for people 65 and older. it's not for anyone who's had a severe allergic reaction to any vaccine component, including eggs, egg products, or to a prior dose of any flu vaccine. tell your doctor if you've ever had guillain-barré syndrome. side effects include pain swelling and redness at the injection site; muscle aches, fatigue, headache and fever. other side effects may occur. if you have other symptoms or problems following vaccination,
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call your doctor immediately. vaccination may not protect everyone. so, if you hopped around the clock, ask your doctor or pharmacist about fluzone high-dose. fluzone high-dose vaccine. the drenching rain has ended but you see we still have some clouds and light showers in the area and muggy. northeast philadelphia still getting some raindrops. 76 degrees right now. there goes a few isolated showers. the big heavy rain we had overnight is now out of the area. there's still a chance of more showers, but as you look to the southwest, not a lot of activity there. most of the day, we ool be looking at cloudy skies. 60s in the poconos. 76 in norristown and trenton
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achlt little bit warmer in mt. holly and scattered showers at times at the shore. but most of the time atlantic city, cape may, or rehoboth will be dry. philadelphia and williamstown, 74 with a scattered shower possible in west chester. we're tracking joaquin. we're back in ten minutes. >> a lot of people are curious about that, that's for shoe. >> you can stay on top of it. you can track the rain moving into wherever you are, your neighborhood. download the free nbc 10 app for first alert radar, weather, and other alerts and more. >> the good news is you'll not need windshield wipers right now. >> you might need to avoid areas or take some time. there's ponding and flooding to know about. right, katy? >> definitely.
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i brought up this camera of route 1 because you can see how wet roads now. you're dealing with the wet roadways. that flooding i was talking about on route 202 northbound between route 30 and route 401. i've been keeping an eye on the bridges. many surfaces are slick when it rains. there could be slick conditions out there. >> 92 days and counting. >> that's how long pennsylvania has been without a budget. next you're going hear about a funding plan he just vetoed and why. >> also, speak of funding, is your plastic really protected. hear more about credit card security.
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that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to this: (family talking) that's a different kind of sound. the sound of the weekend. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. this moment is perfect in every way just like my kid gooey...flaky...happy. toaster strudel. now with more icing.
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let's get back to this breaking news we've been follow out of the frankfort area. matt dell luca has more. matt, what can you tell us? >> reporter: police are just starting to -- [ inaudible ] two men we're told were masked and stormed a home and tied up a man. a mother and grandson had gone into a closet there to hide and we're also told that the suspects ransacked the house and [ inaudible ]
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>> we apologize for that audio. we'll get that fixed. today the house and senate is planning to vote to avoid a government shutdown. it will be close, but lawmakers expect to avoid a government shutdown barely. today's votes would add $13 billion. still the senate's top republican wants a long-term deal through 2017. >> so that next year we can have a regular appropriations process. >> i think everyone is relieved that we're keeping the government open. >> despite the stop cap deal conservatives are still fighting to strip funding from planned parenthood. >> and tpennsylvania has been o raying without a budget for 2 days. it's approaching one of the longest budget impasses we've seen in the last ten years.
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wolf says the state need as long-term solution, not a short term fix. >> there's real pain and as long as it goes there's a lot of pain for schools and agency throughout the state, but we need to get it right. >> and when we asked the governor if this budget still could continue into 2016, he could not give us a concrete answer. a big change in credit card security is coming tomorrow. many card holders aren't ready for it. many of our credit cards now have those high-tech security chips in them. tomorrow is the official start date for switching to those. a large number still have the old fashioned magnetic strips. if you still need one of the new chip cards you should contact your bank or credit card
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company. new day care workers shown assaulting a child. it was taken at day care center in albuquerque. you see the worker put a pacifier in the baby's mouth and put a blanket over her head and was shaking her. >> i was angry and hurt because i never had any concerns. she was always well trusted and well liked. >> the worker was fired. the day care has been shut down while police investigate. this morning we're hearing the 911 calls from concerned neighbors in a florida community who spotted a large monkey on the loose. >> it's in the street. >> bag monkey. there's going be kids are out. >> you're saying a monkey? >> yes, yes, beast. >> just another day in florida,
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right? >> zeke the monkey belongs to a man who also lived in that neighborhood. zeke was eventually captured. police say the owner does have the proper license to own zeke. it looks like he was chilling on the curb drinking some water. his run of freedom over. a new york woman's three-decades search who treated her when she was a baby. >> she was treated for severe burns after rolling on a couch and rolling on a hot steamed humidifier. a few weeks ago she posted a picture of the nurse hosting her. another woman contacted the nurse and she contacted amanda. >> the emotion, i wasn't prepared for it. it was like hugging a mom, you know, or a family member. instant. instant connection. >> nurse sue berger says after three decades she's never forgotten about amanda.
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coming up on 4:48, the rain t heavy rain is taking a break right now, be we'll still see some scattered showers during the day today. right now clouds drying out in philadelphia after quite a bit of rainfallover night. more than an inch and a half around philadelphia. 76. the humidity, it's still wet. a warm and muggy day. it's like summer, not the end of september. 91% hurmtd. that number will come down some during the day. no sign of fog. the pocono mountains still getting heavy rainfall. it's still falling in the mountains. the temperatures have stayed put for the last hour. 73 in chester springs. trenton is 75. washington township is 70 degree. as far as showers, just a few scattered showers. the heavy rainfall, there it goes off to the northeast. but take a look at this. you can see a few scattered
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showers over north carolina and into virginia and those are trending our way. so expect these showers to be moving through at times. you'll still see rain drops. you're not going to get the heavy rain. we'll see some scattered showers during the day on thursday. it's later in the day thursday, thursday night, and into friday that we'll see some steadier rainfall develop. that's midnight on friday morning you can see that rain at the shore. that will be streaming inland. and during the day on friday some of the heaviest showers at 2:00 will be just offshore, but watch those stream inland. follow that moisture to the south, tlanld is joaquin. now, joaquin is still maintaining its 70-mile-an-hour strength. no change in this updated information from the national hurricane center. now moving to the west, southwest at 6 miles an hour, meandering. it's expected to stay put in this region over the next few
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days. but the just updated information has it on the move by saturday early in the morning, moving to the northeast and then there's some indication that it is going to take a bit of a left turn. now, 2:00 on sunday morning, 100-mile-an-hour winds, a category 2, and still a possibility of some strengthening, but after that, we're going to see it weak an bit as it heads to the north. this is the updated track of the national hurricane center. this has a lot of uncertainty in it. we'll be preparing for heavy rainfalls and gusty winds as we go into monday morning according to that forecast from the national hurricane center. occasional light showers, not the heavy rainfall we saw overnight. 70s for today and cooler weather to come. 59 to come. scattered showers. 50s for thursday and again on friday with wet and windy conditions at times on friday. it's not going to be an all day
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rainfall. 65 degrees. and we could see the rain continue for sunday and into monday and feeble get some sunshine. it will be drying out tuesday. >> all right. bill. thank thanks. nbc 10 reporter katy zachry is watching route 38 for us. >> this is in morristown. this is an example of a lot of the sections you're going to encounter. a few on this camera. it's slick even if the rain has moved out. as bill said, wie're going have. 295, the majors t turnpike and the 42 turnpike all free and clear. i put them in yellow just to
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remind you do be cautious and a little extra slow as you'rehooded out there. center city closures as you move into philadelphia, you'll find the parkway inner lanes are still closed. they'll be expected to reopen today. they're still closed because of the papal activity. >> it's not even october, it's september 30th, but carbon county will be getting into the christmas spirit. the white house christmas tree will be selected today at bustard's tree farm. they'll present that in late november, early december. it still gets to stay in the ground. after it's harvested it will be put on display in the white house blue room for the holiday season. for the past two years the official white house tree has been selected from another farm
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which is also in lee heighten. now, from our nbc 10 bureau, make those parrots pipe down. that's what a judge told a woman. neighbors say the parrots are just too lot. scatter good said they're just saying hello, just being friendly. >> the judge promised to dismiss it if the birds can behave for the next 90 days. that's a long time. can you do it? we'll see. the state's first lady frances wolf will attend the event. severals across the state including one outside the capitol are being turned pink to raise awareness about breast cancer.
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>> all right. we're not doing lucy the elephant now? okay. we are. i'm going to tell you about lucy whether you're ready for it or number she's six stories tall. she's kept an eye on margay shore for the last years. next we'll tell you how you can save her.
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welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like my second in command... and my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like.
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and in my castle we only eat chex cereal. chex cereal. it's full of delicious crunchability. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. and that's something even my brother ... sister can understand. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! in these days and times police can be looked at as the adversary. we're trying to change that. them being in the community, we're there for them, they're there for us. the diocese of camden honored police officers, firefighters and other responders who selflessly serve their community. they were there for the blue mass. officers say they appreciate the support.
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the blue mass recognizes those who serve of all faith. more than three school 'cross the country are celebrating. six schools in pennsylvania were honored. that's holicong middle school, lower milford elementary, radnor middle, st. agnes catholic school. also elizabeth haddon and our lady of good counsel. and in delaware top education honors go to cape henilopen high school, lake forest east and w.r. elementary. we're talking about saving lucy.
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the iconic elephant, she's in need of a little tlc these days. the six-story landmark at margate is showing signs at her 134 years of age, so repair work started a few days ago, but organizers say they still have to raise $35,000 to cover those repairs. they're selling lucy the elephant t-shirt to try to get that money. hope they get there. everyone loves lucy. there's something new going on in philadelphia. >> a hajj projeuge project deves in the works. a developer has applied for permits to dismantle the old national products building near skojd street. the plan is to build six-story apartments incorporating the building's protected facade. neighborhoods have mixed feeling especially knowing the congestion they think it will
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bring. >> i think the construction will be a little frustrating especially since i live next door. i think ultimately when there's something there and something nice. >> ultimately i don't mind more nabors and people bringing interest to the neighborhood. >> at this point there's no timeline for the $23.5 million development proposal. you're watching "nbc 10 news." "nbc 10 news" at 5:00 a.m. starts right now. we start with this. breaking news out of a philadelphia neighborhood where two masked men stormed into a home, ransacked a place, and now we're hearing about how a grandmother managed to keep her grandchildren safe during the frightening ordeal. >> right now we're getting a break from the wet weather. but that might not be the case over the next few day wchl very you covered so you know what's to come. good morning. welcome to "nbc 10 news today".
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i'm em chris cato. >> and i'm tracy davidson. bill? >> it's warm and muggy this morning. we're looking at isolated showers. the heavier rain fall now past us, and that's over for today, but the warm, that stays. it it's 76 degrees right now. it's going to be a mostly cloudy day today. you might want to grab an umbrella just in case. there's chance we'll see more scattered showers later today. there is some heavier rainfall in the future. a look at the futurecast when i come back in ten minutes. right now katy zachry is watching traffic. katy. >> good morning, bill. a lot of you waking up right now are waking up to rain roadways. i want to take you through a


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